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Reply #16: I wish you strength, and your brother healing [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
ninkasi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 03:29 AM
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16. I wish you strength, and your brother healing
On Wednesday, a man my husband has been friends with for over 40 years will have brain surgery. He has a tumor, the doctors think it's lymphoma, and the tumor has grown up into his brain stem. They said they will not be able to remove all of it. He will have a series of radiation therapy later.

We will be at the hospital with his wife on Wednesday, so that she won't have to face this ordeal alone. Her sister is flying in from England to be with them. He now acts like a person with Alzheimer's, because he forgets things so quickly, and gets upset and agitated very easily. His own siblings declined to donate blood for him. His blood type is about 3% of the population. I've told his wife that if he needs blood, I will be glad to donate. My blood type is slightly less than 1% of the population.

All we dan do, Mosey, is to be there for our loved ones, be they family or friends. My husband and I will do anything to help our friend and his wife through this ordeal. She, and you, are going through very difficult times. My heart goes out to you, because what you're doing must be very, very difficult. I pray that your brother, and our friend, recover fully. If not, I pray that you, and our friend's wife will be blessed with the strength to carry on.
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