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Reply #5: listen to an archive of yesterday's Tom Ashbrook's On Point -- "Teaching Happiness" [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
nashville_brook Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 11:28 AM
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5. listen to an archive of yesterday's Tom Ashbrook's On Point -- "Teaching Happiness"

Teaching Happiness
Aired: Monday, January 08, 2007 10-11AM ET

-- D.T. Max, National Science writer for NY Times Magazine. His article "Happiness 101" was the cover story in this weekend's magazine. He is also author of "The Family That Couldn't Sleep: A Medical Mystery."
-- Frank Newport, Editor-in-chief, Gallup Poll
-- Todd Kashdan, professor of psychology at George Mason University. He teaches the Science of Happiness
-- Caroline Keating, professor of psychology at Colgate University and a consultant to ABC News.

By Tom Ashbrook:

If doing for others is the road to happiness, New York's Wesley Autry, who jumped on to subway tracks to save a man's life last week, ought to be the happiest guy on the planet these days. But what about the rest of us?

A new science of happiness is attempting to pin down what really lifts the spirit -- to measure it, and to teach it. Happier people live longer. They get fewer colds. They have better relationships and do more for others.

Since the time of the ancients, we've had advice on the good life. Now, after a century of measuring well-being by the march of economic indicators, psychologists are saying let's measure and teach well-being itself.


"Despite of what is going on in the world, most Americans say they are ok. ...The number of people who report they are happy almost doubles when their income goes up." Frank Newport

"When you break the data further, you find that as income has grown, there's been no change in the people's meaning and purpose in life." Todd Kashdan

"Positive psychologists want to make people happier ...What we are now finding is that social relationships not only make us happy but also affect our physical health." Todd Kashdan

"Actually optimistic people are the ones who are most likely to seek out information and preventive care." Todd Kashdan

"I found that there is more science on personal happiness than for other areas of happiness." D.T. Max

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