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What's all this Iran crap I hear? [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
GreenZoneLT Donating Member (805 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 04:55 AM
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What's all this Iran crap I hear?
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I don't watch Fox, or follow the western TV news, so I'm not sure why everyone's nattering on about Iran. I think if an attack was imminent it would a) be talked about in the military press (it's not) b) create some rumor and buzz among the military in Iraq (it's not). Trust, me, they're bringing in new bosses to Iraq and Centcom, some high-ranking people are still on leave from here, and the Bushies are working full time on selling this new Iraq surge plan. There's nobody left TO plan and implement an attack on Iran, assuming they even wanted to (they don't).

You can become about 50 percent better-informed about world events by just never watching Fox or listening to people that do. Read the NY Times, LA Times, Washpost and AP/Reuters, and leave TV to cover what they do well (Britney's divorce).

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