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Reply #11: It won't last 5 minutes in court. Having grown up on Long Island..
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Tue Jan-09-07 12:28 PM
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11. It won't last 5 minutes in court. Having grown up on Long Island.. |
We are taught from and early age about the hazards posed by the trains.
Representatives from both Lilco (at the time) and the LIRR would come in and give demo's regarding the hazards around power lines and the Rail Road tracks.
They come in and show a demonstration about getting zapped by the third rail and getting squashed by trains.
Plus all along the tracks are all sorts of signs stating high voltage and the danger of high speed trains.
Also having grown up on Long Island there is a large segment of the population that feel very entitled.
Bottom line: their kid was a schmuck and shouldn't have been playing around the tracks. period.
When I was in 4th grade a kid in my school was playing "kiss the train" a moronic version of chicken. Needless to say, he lost. No law suits just distraught parents.
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