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Reply #5: Kagan's a piece of work. I watched a bit of his "presentation" yesterday
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Tue Jan-09-07 12:08 PM
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5. Kagan's a piece of work. I watched a bit of his "presentation" yesterday |
Edited on Tue Jan-09-07 12:09 PM by SoCalDem
Might as well call it "Pie in the Sky". The guy obviously spends too much time sitting around "thinking".
Before I even clicked on your link I just "knew" this surge drivel had to have come straight from AEI and if not from them, Heritage Foundation.
We gotta get rid of these half-assed "think tanks" (that's using ONE of those words very loosely).
Why even HAVE a president and cabinet? What do THEY do these days anyway? Seems as if they just sit by the fax machine waiting for "ideas" from their tankers.
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