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Labor history Oct 13 Two million children were in the U.S. workforce, boycott all German-made produc [View All]

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-13-11 08:28 PM
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Labor history Oct 13 Two million children were in the U.S. workforce, boycott all German-made produc
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October 13

American Federation of Labor votes to boycott all German-made products as a protest against Nazi antagonism to organized labor within Germany - 1934

More than 1,100 office workers strike Columbia University in New York City. The mostly female and minority workers win union recognition and pay increases - 1985

National Basketball Association cancels regular season games for the first time in its 51-year history, during a player lockout. Player salaries and pay caps were primary issue. The lockout lasted 204 days - 1998

Hundreds of San Jose Mercury News newspaper carriers end 4-day walkout with victory - 2000

Kids on Strike! tells the story of children who stood up for their rights against powerful company owners. Nearly two million children were in the U.S. workforce by the early 1900s. Their tiny fingers, strong eyesight, and boundless energy made them perfect employees. But after years and years of working long hours every day under inhumane conditions, they began to organize and make demands in order to protect themselves. More than 100 photos, including the work of Lewis Hine. In the UCS bookstore now.

Labor history found here:

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