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First Mexican trucking firm allowed over all U.S. roads flunks (Teamsters blew the whistle at border [View All]

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-16-11 04:33 PM
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First Mexican trucking firm allowed over all U.S. roads flunks (Teamsters blew the whistle at border
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by: Mark Gruenberg
October 14 2011

TIJUANA, Mexico - The first Mexican trucking firm given tentative approval to have its trucks roll over all U.S. roads - allowed by the North American Free Trade Agreement and done via a controversial Obama administration pilot program - has flunked. One of Grupo Behr de Baja California's rigs was so creaky that it failed inspection at the Tijuana border station.

The U.S. would have passed the company's trucks in anyway. But the Teamsters, who have opposed letting unsafe Mexican rigs roam U.S. roads, blew the whistle on that particular semi's failures. There's also a 28.6 percent failure rate for Grupo Mexico trucks overall, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration data show.

FULL story at link.

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