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"SEIU’s 2.1 million members are standing with CFA...." [View All]

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mike_c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-15-11 03:51 PM
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"SEIU’s 2.1 million members are standing with CFA...."
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#csustrike Statement by SEIU President Mary Kay Henry on the planned November 17 one-day strike at California State University

“California Faculty Association members are teaching all of us a valuable lesson about standing up for quality and fairness”

“On November 17, members of SEIU Local 1983, the California Faculty Association, will be forced to take an action they’ve never done before – hold a one day strike at CSU Dominguez Hills and CSU East Bay.

“CFA members are teaching all of us a valuable lesson about standing up for quality and fairness in education.

“CSU has raised executive pay by hundreds of thousands of dollars and spent many millions on labor consultants. At the same time, university executives have picked an unnecessary fight with faculty members by demanding that they give up very modest pay increases they were promised.

“Students haven’t been spared, either. CSU has hiked student tuition and fees and restructured the university in ways that will profoundly affect Californian’s educational opportunities and experiences for years to come.

“When educational institutions value pay and perks for officials over quality and fairness for students and faculty, something is seriously wrong.

“SEIU’s 2.1 million members are standing with CFA members in their fight for quality and fairness in education.”

I will be on the picket line at CSU East Bay on Thursday. Solidarity!
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