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Attended My First Union Meeting Last Night [View All]

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Kennah Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-16-11 10:56 PM
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Attended My First Union Meeting Last Night
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Way cool. At the start, President asked if there was anyone there for the first. Me and one other person. There was a new member pledge that we were given. I really liked that, although both of us stumbled on AFSCME--American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. It's a surprising mouthful.

There was a whole lot accomplished, but it did run much longer than expected. One issue did cause a bit of a stir. A couple of agencies want to break away and form their own local, including the agency where I work. Emotions got a little high, but overall it was very calm. There were several much cooler, thoughtful, outspoken members, on both sides of the issue, that did a good job laying out opposing views. I was taken aback by the idea, and I'm still undecided about it.

President did a superb job keeping things on track and moving along. I've been involved with groups before where Robert's Rules of Order were observed, but I have to say this was the BEST, most professional, adherence to the rules. Definitely not harsh, but firm.

Got a chance to talk with a couple of people from my agency after the meeting, including one of the people who is leading the effort to form a new local. Talked mostly about the agency, but I want to get the chance to pick brains soon about the motivation behind the new local.

I'm in IT and they were functional staff. The agency is huge, but we're actually very close together in the org chart. I got a lot of good info about challenges they face, so hopefully I'll be able to try and work more directly with them to solve problems down the road.

It is a bit daunting as they confirmed my suspicions--there is a huge brain drain happening at the state.

Also, apparently IT doesn't have as large of a presence participating actively in the union as many would like. I am going to see what I can do to change that.
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