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Reply #1: Exactly why is Blankenship not considered a murderer? [View All]

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PurgedVoter Donating Member (753 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-12-10 08:00 PM
Response to Original message
1. Exactly why is Blankenship not considered a murderer?
This is well past reckless endangerment. This is also not simply stuff that went on without his knowledge. These deaths were caused by his actions. Illegal actions he took knowing that deaths would be caused. Is being in business an excuse that allows someone to set traps and kill random people?

Seriously how is this different from arson for profit?

Is being a sociopath and a mass murderer expected in business? Or does being in business mean that the willful violation of law causing the deaths of many is not a crime. Seems like we don't need in this case to regulate business, we just need to enforce laws. We also need to see exactly who aided and abetted murder and put them on trial for doing so. Enforcing laws is much simpler than regulations on business.

Did he make money as part of his pursuit of crime? Then it should all be forfeit. Just like in a drug case, take his car, house, everything until he is proven innocent of murder. Apparently running a mining company means you can kill people.

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