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Reply #3: This is nothing new... [View All]

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liberation Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-29-10 01:48 PM
Response to Original message
3. This is nothing new...
Edited on Thu Apr-29-10 01:49 PM by liberation
... almost 100 years ago we did literally invade Haiti and forced them to re-target their entire economy to produce cheap crops for American interests.

A lot of the roads built at that time were made by Haitians with guns pointed at them by American GIs. BTW, during the past few years, over half of Haiti's arable land has been exhausted due to generations of single crop farming, crops which were destined for exports not internal consumption. Haiti has to import food because it can't grow enough to feed its own population using its own farm land. And American policies have a whole lotta to do with that.

But we sure did enjoy it when we got to play knights in shiny armor a few months back. No one cares about Haiti anymore... we have other things to worry our pretty minds with. I am always astounded about how little the average American knows about our collective history.
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