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Reply #5: And apparently it is not only ingrained inside the [View All]

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truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 01:55 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. And apparently it is not only ingrained inside the
Tribal needs of the young, to be part of something, to belong, but also part of the tribal need of older people, hmm, let's say politicians, who always seem to need to band together to fund the wars too. Lots of camaraderie there, too. (Especially between the politician and the lobbyist.)

Otherwise, why weren't the wars ended once Nancy Pelosi got her majority in the House? She kept saying that the war could be knocked down if there was ever a majority, but once she had that majority, the wars went on just as before. And it wouldn't take much - just a refusal to offer up the Corporate War Lords their monies.

But no, even in July of 2010, some four years after she got her majority in the House, the public had to sit by and watch the house and the Senate approve of some 33 billion dollars for the war supplemental. With state deficits at all time highs, we can't have schools funded for the kids, or fire stations, or social services, but we still have the wars.
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