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The Great Reset - Where We Are Today [View All]

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stockholmer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 02:44 AM
Original message
The Great Reset - Where We Are Today
Run time: 18:54
Posted on YouTube: January 20, 2011
By YouTube Member: wepollock
Views on YouTube: 4285
Posted on DU: January 27, 2011
By DU Member: stockholmer
Views on DU: 422
This is a key forecast which describes major events now developing towards a breakdown crisis. We have social events unwinding to several different time-line trajectories each of which has a different level of acceleration and entropy.

On the long trajectory we have the birth of modern empire, globalization, limited liability corporations and high-energy machines steam and then internal combustion.We are experiencing an Entropic Financial Breakdown. This breakdown is a subset of the trends started in the 1600's. The police state trajectory is in competition with the breakdown trajectory.

In the ideal world we would settle the mistakes then we would move on to a new foundation from which we would launch new opportunity rich trajectory. That is not happening, and to date there is not a single sign that it will develop. Instead we see an acceleration of the breakdown crisis and an acceleration of the police state.
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