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Iraq says most of Al-Qaeda network destroyed in 2007 (AFP) [View All]

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Eugene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-30-07 12:29 AM
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Iraq says most of Al-Qaeda network destroyed in 2007 (AFP)
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Source: Agence France-Presse

Iraq says most of Al-Qaeda network destroyed in 2007

15 hours ago

BAGHDAD (AFP) — The Iraqi interior ministry lauded
its achievements over the past year on Saturday, saying
that 75 percent of Al-Qaeda's networks in the country
had been destroyed in 12 months.

Ministry spokesman Abdul Karim Khalaf also outlined
sharp falls in the numbers of assassinations, kidnappings
and death squad murders.

He told a news conference that increased patrols along
the borders with Saudi Arabia and Syria had slowed
infiltration by militants and played a key role in Iraq's
improved security situation.


Personnel with militant or criminal links had been weeded
out from Iraqi security forces, he said, adding that
Sunni-US alliances against Al-Qaeda had also significantly
contributed to the drop in violence.

Read more:

Source: BBC News

Last Updated: Saturday, 29 December 2007, 20:41 GMT

Al-Qaeda in Iraq 'reduced by 75%'

Three-quarters of al-Qaeda in Iraq has been destroyed
over the last year, the Interior Ministry in Baghdad
has said.

Iraqi and American commanders said the improvement in
security in the country over 2007 had been remarkable.

But top US commander Gen David Petraeus warned al-
Qaeda remained the greatest threat facing the
country and security gains could easily reverse.


'On the run'


His claim that 75% of the group's hideouts in Iraq had
been eliminated could not be independently verified.
He also said assassination attempts were down 79%
since June.


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