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Symbolism: GHOULiani's 2008 to be a bust, like his New Year's party?!1 [View All]

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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-30-07 10:42 AM
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Symbolism: GHOULiani's 2008 to be a bust, like his New Year's party?!1
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Is it a Rick LAZIO falling-flat-on-his-face-in-a-parade moment? Or his own withdrawing-due-to-health moment?


Rudy Retreats

Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign team was looking to turn his annual New Year's Eve party, which he holds in his Times Square offices, into a presidential fund-raiser. The plan was for Wolfgang Puck to cook for the $2,000-a-plate guests, and Compass Group/Restaurant Associates to run the event. But Compass was told on Thursday it's off. Sources say Giuliani's team backed off the idea because of the difficulty of getting guests into the building amid nightmarish New Year's security, plus the fact that many Rudy supporters have maxed out under federal law and can't contribute more. It remains unclear whether Giuliani is even having any kind of party tomorrow night.

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