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What Digby Said (TM) -- It's time to fight back against criminals, not "reach out" to them [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
StefanX Donating Member (801 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-30-07 06:34 PM
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What Digby Said (TM) -- It's time to fight back against criminals, not "reach out" to them
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One of her most amazing posts ever.

Bipartisan Zombies

Some quotes:

It's depressing that so many Democrats still seem to have this deep conceit that the Republicans are really reasonable people in spite of fifteen long years of being shown otherwise over and over again. And it's infuriating that after everything that's happened, the permanent political establishment is still more freaked out at the prospect of the dirty hippies passing universal health care than radical neocons starting World War III. If only the reasonable people could get together over scotch and waters and talk it all through everything would work as it's supposed to.
We can wish for conciliation all we want, but unless the Democrats can do it without any cooperation from the Republicans, it will be just another game of Charlie Brown and the football. David Broder is fine with that. He's more afraid of hippies trashing the white house than of fascists* trashing the country, so he's happy to help Lucy hold the ball. Democratic voters must be clear eyed and willing to fight because if we don't, they will win again, even if they lose. I don't think the country can take it.
*Now that Jonah Goldberg has made the word acceptable for use against liberals, it's back in circulation as far as I'm concerned and I'm using it.


(And, as many of the insightful comments to that post point out, Hillary and Obama don't "get" this, but Edwards does. It's time to stop bringing a knife to a gunfight, progressives. It's time to lock up these criminals, or at least beat them down -- instead of politely giving them a seat at the negotiating table.)

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