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Reply #9: Digby is spot on here! It's going to take more than 4 yrs to repair the Repub Damages... [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Blackhatjack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-30-07 08:22 PM
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9. Digby is spot on here! It's going to take more than 4 yrs to repair the Repub Damages...
IMHO Bipartisanship died when the Repubs took office, and until we fix the damage they have wrought on our nation they shouldn't be looking for 'bipartisanship' from the next Democratic Administration.

THey were so drunk with arrogance that they held Congressional Committee meetins without Dems notificed or present. THey changed legislation after it was reported out of the Conference Committee before it was signed by Bush. They turned K Street into a personal cash machine for all their corrupt dealings and personal wealth enhancement. They talked about 'a permanent Republican majority' and they got Bush installed by the SCOTUS when Gore won the election.

Forgive and forget? Not a chance.

Too many people are hurting and depending on us to step in and bring these corrupt people to the bar of justice.

If you are Republican and still have a term to serve on Capitol Hill, prepare to be totally impotent. It won't be fun.. but you might learn a thing or two about how Government should operate. And hopefully observe your Repub cohorts headed off to jail. THere is an object lesson for you.
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