Edwards says that "these groups whould not be a part of the political process". That is correct. Like most real democracies, elections should be paid for out of a government fund to allow the people to hear all sides with regardless of their proponents' respective wealth. However, Edwards is also right when he says "Unfortunately, you can't control them". Right now a loophole in the election laws allows 527s to operate nearly without any regulation whatsoever. I don't know if you remember, but MoveOn was not born out of desire but out of raw need. The 2000 election showed us what 527s could do when they obliterated the Gore campaign with lies and innuendo. MoveOn, who's name was based on the bushinistas' change of "Move on, get over it" was created to counter the undue influence of these 527s that had destroyed Gore's hopes for the White House.
So, yes, ALL 527s need to be regulated and even made illegal due to public financing of elections, but until that day we must treat all of them equally so MoveOn would not be made illegal while others were allowed to prosper. I hope that helps.