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So a Face Book 'friend' took exception to my congratulations to Obama.... [View All]

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BooScout Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-11-09 06:14 PM
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So a Face Book 'friend' took exception to my congratulations to Obama....
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Edited on Sun Oct-11-09 06:16 PM by BooScout
It seems he didn't think President Obama deserved the Nobel's what he had to say:

"Hey BooScout....check out the FB poll "Did Barak O. deserve to win the prize?"....Over 80% of 283,000 plus voters said "No". I'm not being anti-Obama here. I'm just suggesting they award the prize to someone who has actually accomplished something. I think many others feel the same way. The Nobel Peace Prize is no longer credible in my mind!"

and my response:

"Can you think of anyone else in the world offering to talk to Iran, N Korea or Cuba and who doesn't throw out Bully Pulpit quips like 'Yer either fer us or agin us'......or someone else who has made overtures to Russia and is now actually talking about reducing nukes? Or someone who just might realize the Star Wars shield is not necessarily what we need? Or someone who was actually critical of Israel's policy of agression in the Settlements? Or someone else who is working towards getting us out of Iraq where we NEVER should have been in the first place? Or someone else who has been a champion for health care for all in the only industrialized country to not have some sort of universal plan and where over 45 million people are uninsured?

Maybe it's just me, but I find it's refreshing to have someone in the Oval Office who actually uses Diplomacy instead of threats against the rest of the world.

Again, Maybe it's just me, but I can't think of another person on earth right now who has so much affected the world in such a positive manner in the past year and then some. ...

For what it's worth, President Obama was not my first choice for President, Clinton was.......but so far he's been doing a pretty good job, in fact, considering what he inherited from that total fool Bush, I'm amazed he has accomplished so much considering we were teetering on the brink of a Depressiion for months and he still managed to stave that off and begin the reversals all over the world of the incredible damage That SOB Bush managed in 8 years.

And ..... I don't need a FB poll to tell me what others think.....I suspect most people give little to no thought on the subject of most of those polls."
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