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Corporate Psycopathy: Massey CEO Blankenship Has Complained About 'Nonsensical' Regulation [View All]

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-09-10 09:10 PM
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Corporate Psycopathy: Massey CEO Blankenship Has Complained About 'Nonsensical' Regulation
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from HuffPost:

Jason Linkins | HuffPost

Massey CEO Blankenship Has Complained About 'Nonsensical' Regulation
First Posted: 04- 9-10 12:10 PM | Updated: 04- 9-10 01:07 PM

Over at ThinkProgress, Brad Johnson pulls video of Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship registering complaints in June of 2009 that the safety rules governing mines were "difficult to comply with" and "nonsensical."

Maybe this was a big red flag that something terrible would one day happen?


BLANKENSHIP: They're very difficult to comply with. There's so many of the laws that are, if you will, nonsensical from an engineering or a coal mining viewpoint. A lot of the politicians, they get emotional, as does the public, about the most recent accident, and it's easy to get laws on the books that are not truly helping the health or safety of coal miners. I think we need to be very pragmatic and very careful when we're passing laws of that nature to make sure that we create as much safety and as much health as can be created for each of the resources we expend.

The complete piece is at:

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