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Reply #7: A few other prominent among the dead: [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Betty Karlson Donating Member (902 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-10-10 10:28 AM
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7. A few other prominent among the dead:
(Source: Le Nouvel Observateur)

- President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, Maria Kaczynska

- Former head of the Polish government-in-exile, Ryszard Kaczorowski

- Jerzy Szmajdzinski, deputy chairman of the parliament - and a left wing candidate in the elections that had been scheduled for this autumn.

- Krzysztof Putra, the other deputy chairman of the parliament.

- Krystyna Bochenek, deputy chairwoman of the senate

- Slawomir Skrzypek, president of the National Bank of Poland

- General Franciszek Gagor, supreme commander of the joint Chiefs of Staff.

- General Tadeusz Buk, general commander of the Army

- General Andrzej Blasik, general commander of the airforce

- Admiral Andrzej Karweta, general commander of the Navy

- General Wlodzimierz Potasinski, who commands the Polish equivalent of the marines.

- General Bronislaw Kwiatkowski, who is in charge of operational Polish troups (like the ones in Afghanistan).

- Bishop Tadeusz Ploski, Roman-Catholic pastor to the Polish troops

- Archbishop Miron Chodakowski, Orthodox pastor to the Polish troops

- Presidential Chief of Staff Wladyslaw Stasiak,

- Aleksander Szczyglo, director of the presidential bodyguard

- Mariusz Handzlik and Pawel Wypych, secretaries to the president

- Stanislaw Jerzy Komorowski, Deputy minister of defense

- Andrzej Kremer, deputy minister of foreign affairs

- Tomasz Merta, deputy minister of the arts and culture

- Janusz Kurtyka, director of the Institute for National Memorial

- Andrzej Przewoznik, director of the Council in charge of places of national remembrance

- Janusz Kochanowski, ombudsman for civil rights

- Andrzej Sarjusz-Skapski, president of the Association of the families of Katyn

- Czeslaw Cywinski, president of the Association of the Former Resistance.

- Agata Agacka-Indecka, president of the national Association of Barristers

- Anna Walentynowicz, a pivotal heroin in the early days of Solidarity.

And the list goes on and on...

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