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Porn star Stormy Daniels Considers Run Against Vitter [View All]

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Emit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-10-10 09:22 AM
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Porn star Stormy Daniels Considers Run Against Vitter
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Porn star Stormy Daniels switches to GOP after sex club flap

NEW ORLEANS — A Louisiana-born porn star says that if she goes through with a run for the U.S. Senate, she will campaign as a Republican.

In a Tuesday news release making light of a recent Republican spending controversy, Stormy Daniels notes that the Republican National Committee picked up a nearly $2,000 tab at a sex-themed California nightclub. Daniels’ statement says she was a lifelong Democrat, but that the Republicans best espouse what she called her "libertarian" views about sex and money.

Daniels, whose political spokesman has a history of working for Democrats, is to announce April 15 whether she will run against Republican Sen. David Vitter.


The state and national Republican Party reacted to Daniels’ statement by accusing state Democrats of arranging a publicity stunt, noting that her political spokesman, Brian Welsh, has a history of working with Democrats.


Kevin Franck, spokesman for the Louisiana Democratic Party, said neither the party nor the Melancon campaign recruited Daniels.

"If the Louisiana Republican Party is uncomfortable with a Republican challenger who has a history of selling sex, I would suggest they reconsider standing by an incumbent with a history of paying for it," Franck said in an e-mailed statement.


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