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One of the World's Best Kept Secrets: Cuban Medical Aid to Haiti [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
ensho Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-10-10 10:53 AM
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One of the World's Best Kept Secrets: Cuban Medical Aid to Haiti
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One of the World's Best Kept Secrets: Cuban Medical Aid to Haiti - Main Stream Media Doesn't See It

Consumers of U.S. corporate media were given the impression that the American invasion/disaster relief action was the primary foreign benefactor to Haiti’s hundreds of thousands of earthquake victims. Not so, not by a long shot. Cuba, Venezuela and the neighboring Dominican Republic were first on the scene with the most help, and have committed to building a comprehensive health care system for Haiti. “The Cuban medical contingent was roughly three times the size of the American staff, although they treated 260.7 times more patients than U.S. medical personnel.” Media coverage of Cuban medical cooperation following the disastrous recent earthquake in Haiti was sparse indeed.

International news reports usually described the Dominican Republic as being the first to provide assistance, while Fox News sang the praises of U.S. relief efforts in a report entitled "U.S. Spearheads Global Response to Haiti Earthquake" – a common theme of its extensive coverage. CNN also broadcast hundreds of reports, and in fact one focused on a Cuban doctor wearing a T-shirt with a large image of Che Guevara – and yet described him as a "Spanish doctor."

In general, international news reports ignored Cuba's efforts. By March 24, CNN for example, had 601 reports on their news website regarding the earthquake in Haiti – of which only 18 (briefly) referenced Cuban assistance. Similarly, between them the New York Times and the Washington Post had 750 posts regarding the earthquake and relief efforts, though not a single one discusses in any detail any Cuban support. In reality, however, Cuba's medical role had been extremely important-and had been present since 1998.

-snip of 5 videos and text-

we have a pick and choose news media

they pick and choose what we see
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