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MY Good News In The Midst of this Troubling Economy
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Mon Apr-12-10 11:24 AM
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MY Good News In The Midst of this Troubling Economy |
I have been in the airline industry for seven years five of which have been in flight operations the other two in customer support.
5 years ago my wife and I made a sacrifice of time spent together and I started a weekly 1800 commute between home and work so I could gain experience two years ago we sold our home an d she joined me for a year until last Sept. when my job/management at that time became unbearable to work for and another airline I heard good things about was hiring for type of work and my wife relocated back to Seattle and I went back to commuting.
Well three weeks ago a position came open back home for another aviation company and I applied, interviewed, and three days later was offered the job after they talked with 53 others......the biggest surprise came on April 1st when I met with the HR person to turn in aps and background check paperwork and took my drug test. The HR asked me if I had an idea of what I was worth so I said a figure 30% higher than what I was making and she said that was all I wanted....I said what were you thinking and she wrote a 5 digit figure that made me think that cameras were going to come in to the room and someone was going to tell me I had just been PUNKED and BTW April fools....the figure is enough for my wife to not have to work and still have a higher living standard than we could have ever imagined..
One thing I have found out is I have always received greater opportunity when a Democrat is in the White House....My wife and I nearly lost our home during BushJr admin,and we filed bankruptcy.
We will be making contributions to Democrats who are real Democrats that are running this November with some of the extra... We also will be making a better effort to by local products from local businesses....
I am truly humbled in all of this...
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