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Chelsea's Law targets child molesters and clears first hurdle (mandate life sentences) [View All]

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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-20-10 04:17 PM
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Chelsea's Law targets child molesters and clears first hurdle (mandate life sentences)
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Chelsea's Law targets child molesters and clears first hurdle

SACRAMENTO (AP) - A bill that would mandate life
sentences for some convicted child molesters cleared its first
legislative committee after a grieving father evoked the memory of his slain daughter.

Republican Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher of San Diego proposed the bill after the slaying of a 17-year-old girl in a county park. A
convicted child molester pleaded guilty last week to raping and
killing Chelsea King and a 14-year-old girl.

Fletcher's bill, named Chelsea's Law, also would require
lifetime parole and GPS monitoring. It would ban sex offenders from parks and other areas where children gather.

Chelsea King's father, Brent, asked members of the Assembly
Public Safety Committee to advance the bill on Tuesday. Four
approved it, while three abstained.
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