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Blanche Lincoln declines offer to debate Halter on ‘Meet the Press’ [View All]

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-26-10 05:37 PM
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Blanche Lincoln declines offer to debate Halter on ‘Meet the Press’
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Lincoln declines offer to debate Halter on ‘Meet the Press’
Posted on 26 April 2010

By John Lyon
Arkansas News Bureau

LITTLE ROCK — U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln will not accept an invitation from NBC’s “Meet the Press” to debate Lt. Gov. Bill Halter live on the Sunday morning news show, a spokeswoman for Lincoln’s campaign said today.

Halter, who is challenging Lincoln’s re-election bid in a Democratic primary, said he was willing to debate Lincoln on the show.

NBC contacted the candidates Friday and invited them to debate in Washington D.C. on May 9. Lincoln campaign spokeswoman Katie Laning Niebaum said Lincoln planned to spend Mother’s Day with her mother.

Halter said he was willing to record the debate at a place and time convenient to Lincoln.

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