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Ex-Chile officers guilty of 1973 reporter's death [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-05-11 11:41 PM
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Ex-Chile officers guilty of 1973 reporter's death
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Ex-Chile officers guilty of 1973 reporter's death
– 1 hr 14 mins ago

SANTIAGO (AFP) – Chile's Supreme Court on Thursday found six ex-navy officers guilty in the abduction and execution of a Chilean journalist one day after the coup that ushered in the 1973-1990 military dictatorship.

Journalist Jaime Aldoney Vargas was kidnapped on September 12, 1973. The journalist, who was also a socialist town alderman, was tortured and later executed at the naval air base of El Belloto.

The court sentenced retired navy captains Patricio Villalobos, Pedro Arancibia, Jaime Urdangarin and German Valdivia to five years prison with probation for their role in the reporter's abduction.

Another retired navy captain, Guillermo Vidal, was sentenced to five years prison for attempting to cover for his colleagues, while a fifth captain, Sergio Mendoza, was sentenced to four years prison with probation.

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