"The police said to my husband 'if she doesn't get sterilised, the police will arrest you right now and you will be sterilised instead... they threw me on the trolley and tied me up" Rudesinda Quillawamang.
When Fujimori launched a massive family planning campaign in the mid-nineties it was widely hailed and supported by the United Nations and international aid agencies alike. His aim, he said, was to liberate men and women from the burden of poverty and large families. Now, he's facing genocide charges. During the Fujimori regime, the current government says, over 300,000 men and women were sterilised against their will.
We obtain a full, unpublished, government report about the scandal. The report exposes a sinister military plan, called Plan Verde, to exterminate entire social groups such as the poor and criminals. The military and intelligence sources in the report are all anonymous, but we track down one source. This former military officer details how the military was indeed deployed to sterilise people.
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