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UN outlines measures to overcome inequalities in Latin America [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-08-11 01:32 AM
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UN outlines measures to overcome inequalities in Latin America
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UN outlines measures to overcome inequalities in Latin America

New York, May 7 : Latin America and the Caribbean remains the most socially unequal region in the world, the head of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) said on Friday, highlighting the measures required to tackle the problem in a region which has made significant strides in reducing poverty.

“Ten out of the fifteen most unequal countries in the world are in Latin America and the Caribbean,” said Helen Clark, the UNDP Administrator,addressing the opening session of the 4th Ministerial Forum on Development in Latin America at UN Headquarters in New York. “While the region is not the poorest in the world, it is the most unequal,” she said.

Miss Clark gave the reasons for inequality in the region as continuing gaps in the quality of social services and access to them; institutional and regulatory challenges, including insecure property rights and limited access to justice, which affect the poor mostly; and a lack of opportunity for decent work.

Miss Clark stressed that countries in the region needed to address inequality through specific public policy instruments, rather than treat it as a by-product of successful poverty reduction programmes.

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