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Ex-paramilitary lawyer assassinated in Antioquia [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-08-11 01:55 AM
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Ex-paramilitary lawyer assassinated in Antioquia
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Ex-paramilitary lawyer assassinated in Antioquia
Friday, 06 May 2011 06:23
Tom Heyden

A lawyer who represented several former paramilitary leaders, as well as the alleged perpetrators of a massacre in northern Colombia, is shot dead in a restaurant in Bello, Antioquia, Caracol reported Friday.

Edquir Jose Lopez Londoño, 50, was waiting for someone alone in a restaurant when an unknown person approached him from behind and shot him in the head, killing him instantly.

In 2005 he led the defense of those supposedly responsible for the massacre of five adults and three children in San Jose de Apartado, northern Antioquia, which had occurred on February 21 of the same year.

The lawyer also defended various political leaders in the banana region, particularly around Apartado, who were linked to the security company "CONVIVIR." This network of vigilante and security cooperatives was banned after being accused of involvement in numerous crimes.
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