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Expired drugs from rich countries sold in Colombia [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-08-11 02:29 AM
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Expired drugs from rich countries sold in Colombia
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Expired drugs from rich countries sold in Colombia
Friday, 06 May 2011 10:04
Tom Heyden

Expired medicinal drugs from developed countries are being smuggled into Colombia through Venezuela and Ecuador, before being repackaged and sold, El Tiempo reported Thursday. The Colombian Association of Retail Druggists (Asocoldro) has said that the main medicines being smuggled are ibuprofen, aspirin, contraceptive pills, multivitamins and high-cost drugs.

The director of Asocoldro, Maximio Visbal, explained that, "In the European market, international networks have been found that acquire the already expired product, enter it clandestinely into Colombia and change the packaging."

"We have found that many products which must be sold only under medical prescription are available at exaggeratedly low prices in the market, and that is because they are false or do not meet the minimum quality requirements," he continued, adding, "That has serious serious consequences for the health of a person."

Visbal estimated that when the drugs re-enter the market after repackaging, they have often lost up to 99% of their utility to the patient.

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