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Venezuela Registers Families with Housing Needs [View All]

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dipsydoodle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-08-11 11:39 AM
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Venezuela Registers Families with Housing Needs
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Caracas, May 7 (Prensa Latina) The Venezuelan government has kicked off a campaign in five states to register families with housing needs, as part of its program to eliminate a deficit of two million homes by 2017.

The registration process is a key part of the Gran Mision Vivienda Venezuela program, which will allow the government to grant land and homes to low-income families in an organized way.

Starting today and throughout May, residents of the states of Falcon, Miranda, Vargas, Zulia and the Capital District will be able to register at the Bolivar squares in each city.

The State will prioritize the victims of natural disasters, residents in high-risk zones, large families and newly-married couples.
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