Venezuela dismisses 'unreliable' report about FARC links
Tuesday, 10 May 2011 12:38
Tom Heyden
Venezuela's Embassy in London has dismissed a report detailing the supposed links between Venezuela, Ecuador and the FARC, labelling it "unreliable" due to its heavy reliance on the controversial "Raul Reyes" files, reported several media sources.
The prime issue of contention appears to be over the "Raul Reyes" files themselves, with the Venezuelan Embassy pointing towards Interpol's assessment that Colombian authorities did not "conform to internationally recognized principles for the routine treatment of electronic evidence."
There is also a discrepancy over when the documents were last viewed, with Interpol only being able to verify that they had not been opened after March 3, 2008, whereas the files were seized in Colombia's FARC raid on the Ecuadorean side of the border on March 1.
The embassy further noted how the Colombian Supreme Court had considered the evidence from fallen leader "Raul Reyes"' computers to be legally inadmissable, drawing the "surprise" of the Venezuelans that it was used to make the report's conclusions.