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Fox didn't mince words:Former Mexico leader's message at UH: Legalize drugs, build bridges. [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-11-11 03:54 AM
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Fox didn't mince words:Former Mexico leader's message at UH: Legalize drugs, build bridges.
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Fox didn't mince words
Former Mexico leader's message at UH: Legalize drugs, build bridges.
May 10, 2011, 9:46PM

Vicente Fox would never be accused of being shy.

The former president of Mexico regularly speaks his mind. Indeed, Fox has been scolded by some in his country for breaking with tradition and speaking out on controversial topics following his six-year term in the presidency, which ended in 2006. Ex-presidents are supposed to stay out of things.

Over the years, Fox has been a frequent visitor to Houston, where his outspoken views are greeted with respect and interest. His latest visit here, to give a speech at the University of Houston Central Campus last week, was no exception.

Fox used the occasion to make new headlines. He called for legalization of drugs as a remedy for the drug-related violence that has beset Mexico for several years. Since 2005, the carnage has claimed more than 34,000 lives.

He makes a point. The question of legalization is never far removed from serious discussion of solutions to the deadly crisis. It is, after all, the huge American appetite for currently illegal drugs that enriches the cartel leaders.


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