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Politicians party on at La Picota prison: W Radio [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-11-11 02:34 AM
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Politicians party on at La Picota prison: W Radio
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Source: Colombia Reports

Politicians party on at La Picota prison: W Radio
Tuesday, 10 May 2011 14:23
Marguerite Cawley

A new party took place over the weekend at Bogota's La Picota prison, a place already infamous for allowing high profile political prisoners to run wild, W Radio reported Tuesday.

The party allegedly occurred Saturday afternoon and went on into the night, and according to information received by the Colombian radio station, a number of former politicians were heavily intoxicated.

Apparently, former bussinessman Eduardo Davila Armenta assaulted fellow prisoner Jaime Bravo, and broke glasses and a door.

Davila Armenta is under investigation for alleged links with paramilitary groups and for the 2007 murder of a woman in Santa Marta. He is the brother of former Magdalena Governor Jose Domingo Davila Armenta, also in prison for paramilitary ties.

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Colombia is the world's 3rd largest recipient of US taxpayers' annual financial assistance programs.
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