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Reply #1: Interesting how news of a country in our own hemisphere, with BILLIONS of U.S. taxpayer aid, [View All]

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-11-11 11:31 AM
Response to Original message
1. Interesting how news of a country in our own hemisphere, with BILLIONS of U.S. taxpayer aid,
gets bumped out of LBN and into the LatAm barrio.

The paramilitary death squads and their politicos are partying because of the utter corruption of the Colombian government that our tax dollars funded and encouraged.

$7 BILLION and counting.

There seems to be quite an "Iron Curtain" on this news here, cuz after the bloody political "cleansing" that the U.S. paid for over the last decade in Colombia, U.S. corporate interests want the payoff: a U.S./Colombia "free trade for the rich" agreement. The corporate "news" wants to paint a picture of Colombia as converted now to democracy and "law and order." This and other evidence to the contrary is simply deleted. But, hey, if Venezuela has a problem of overcrowded prisons, or drought-caused blackouts, or street crime, and the Chavez government doesn't instantly solve it, wow, do we get headline after headline after headline about THAT, highlighted in LBN!
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