doing the same things they did before the "demobilization."
It has even been admitted to be a farce, and there has been testimony in COURT in Colombia by narcotrafficking death squad scum AUC people who related stories of having people act as paramilitaries turning in their guns, going through elaborate charades to make it appear there was a demobilization.
The same things are happening, union workers, human rights activists, others are still being murdered in the same ways, the poor, minority, indigenous people are still being terrorized, murdered, people are STILL being driven out of their homes, off their own property which is stolen and sold to the same multinationals or politicians. It's been pointed out publicly over and over, and yet, since the Colombian government under Uribe has claimed that's all in the past, the US still clings to this official lie, and continues to pump billions of US taxpayers' dollars into the military, into the Colombian government, just as usual.