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Family get over 20 yrs each for torturing maid [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-12-11 09:43 AM
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Family get over 20 yrs each for torturing maid
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Family get over 20 yrs each for torturing maid
Thursday, 12 May 2011 07:03
Tom Heyden

A woman and two men have been sentenced to over 20 years each for torturing, threatening and beating the maid at their farm in the municipality of Fresno, in the central department of Tolima.

Olma Marlen Zapata Marin was condemned to 23 years in prison, while the two brothers Evelio and Arcesio Villarestrepo were each given 21 years, EFE reported.

They were found guilty of torturing and imprisoning Cindy Catherine Garcia, a domestic employee on their farm.

"I was threatened because they told me that if I escaped they were going to kill me," she said, adding that they had "fierce dogs" with which to intimidate her. They would also threaten her by claiming friendships with paramilitaries, who they said would come to kill her.
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