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Reply #6: Hi, Peace Patriot. Was doing surgeries there. [View All]

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Mika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-13-11 11:47 AM
Response to Reply #3
6. Hi, Peace Patriot. Was doing surgeries there.
Fixing cleft palate defects as much as possible.
I can say that there isn't much else in my life that holds anywhere near as much meaning. Most of the volunteers I work shoulder to shoulder with feel the same. Most are devout Christians. In helping they say they are serving god. God bless them all.
Almost all of the patients are living in abject poverty, some in garbage dumps. Filth beyond imagination. It can shake one to the core to witness it. One simply can't turn one's back on these children. Most of the Drs and nurses and ancillaries spend large sums of their own money to be able to serve on these missions. Serious money. Real world angels, these brothers and sisters. I am awed constantly by their strength and compassion. Deeply moved.

All the best.

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