I predict that our resident trolls will have a merry time with this news. (Pelvis, abscess, pus, knee etc.)
Too bad for them though, the operation was a success, thanks to the Cuban health system.

Hugo and his crutch -- for the knee injury suffered last month
CARACAS, (Reuters) – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had a successful operation on Friday in Cuba for an abscess in the pelvis discovered on the last stage of this week’s tour around Latin America, his government said.
The usually fit and sports-loving Chavez had been out of the limelight for several weeks, due to a knee injury, before visiting Brazil, Ecuador and Cuba.
“With his knee injury almost totally better, President Chavez suffered a new health problem, which was immediately assessed by his medical team,” said a statement by the Venezuelan government read on state TV.
Chavez, 56, will stay on in Cuba for a few days until he is in a condition to return, the statement said, emphasizing the Venezuelan leader’s gratitude to President Raul Castro, his brother Fidel, and the Cuban health system, for the support.
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His disappearance from the public eye, during his knee injury, fueled speculation in Venezuelan opposition and media circles that he may have a worse medical problem, and the operation in Cuba is bound to spur more rumors.