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Colombia’s Operation Stairway and the secret agent who carried it out [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-22-11 04:27 AM
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Colombia’s Operation Stairway and the secret agent who carried it out
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Colombia’s Operation Stairway and the secret agent who carried it out
Juan Forero, Published: August 20

BOGOTA, Colombia — Alba Luz Florez, a secret agent with Colombia’s central spy agency, recalled preparing diligently for her mission. At first, she was told only that it was a matter of national security.

She left her family for a safe house and took on a new identity. She underwent three months of intense training on how to develop informants. Then she and planners in the intelligence agency mapped out every step of an operation that called on her to infiltrate the Colombian Supreme Court in the search of evidence linking its justices with the criminal underworld.

“Everything I could learn about the court was of utmost importance to the agency,” Florez, 33, said in an interview with The Washington Post.

Florez said she never questioned the motivation behind the operation, which prosecutors now say was designed to cripple the court’s investigation of corrupt congressmen, most of them allies of then-President Alvaro Uribe. Indeed, the intelligence agency — the Department of Administrative Security, or DAS — was under the control of the president.

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