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Reply #1: Bush Jr.: 'Tsk, tsk. Oh, that bad little Alvaro, trying to subvert the Supreme Court--and failing! [View All]

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-22-11 10:28 AM
Response to Original message
1. Bush Jr.: 'Tsk, tsk. Oh, that bad little Alvaro, trying to subvert the Supreme Court--and failing!
Edited on Mon Aug-22-11 10:30 AM by Peace Patriot
We'll just have to give him more billions of U.S. tax dollars, more of our "technical assistance" ...heh-heh ...and more of our "training" to do it right!.'


Oh, wait! The Washington Psst says all Junior wanted was to eradicate all them coca fields and git them terrsts, and if anybody was pervertin Supreme Courts an that it's their own Spanish thang an ain't nothin to do with America's precious bodily fluids. And I believe the Washington Psst cuz its straight from the CIA and they found Jebbus, too, after some persuadin. All em Jebbus folk eradicatin and gittin, its a glory to behold, an then look what them Spanish done, the ingrets, they git caught. But not red white n blue Murkins, cain't never get caught cuz their doin Gawd's work an got billions to show fert. Teach ya not to trust 'em Papish forners even if Gawd give 'em dominion a snort. The Lawd Gawd He moves in histerical ways even at commie newspapers.


Edited to add:
"U.S. aid implicated in abuses of power in Colombia" (Washington Psst)
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