but I have absolutely no sympathy for the Venezuelan media, specially after their failed attempt to depose Chávez in 2002.
They evoke "freedom of expression" to legitimate the political use of their influence, but they wouldn't miss a single opportunity to depose the democratically elected president, even by throwing the country in the hands of a military junta.
Americans should understand that "bias" in Latin American media is not just a question of molding perception. Media in Latin America was directly involved in supporting the coups and supporting the KILLINGS and TORTURE of dozens of thousands of civilians.
Media moguls helped funding death squads in Brazil. They engaged in a campaign to raise funds to help the military junta exterminate the opposition. The most influent Brazilian newspaper to these days, Folha de S. Paulo, lend its cars to the regime in order to transport victims of torture in secret.
A large share of Latin American media acts like criminal organisation and should be treated like that by anyone who really stands for democracy.