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Reply #8: Sorry [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Places » Latin America Donate to DU
ChangoLoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-11 11:45 AM
Response to Reply #6
8. Sorry
Media in Latin America have also suffered a hell of a lot from military juntas as journalists were themselves tortured and killed by hundreds during those days.

If you want to talk about FSP in Brazil, that's fine and I'll surely agree with your objection. But I see no relation with this subject which concerns a very different group of journalists who have nothing to do with Brazil, nor with the coup in 2002. I believe you shouldn't put people in a predetermined category unless you know who they are. Or maybe you consider that they should be punished for what others did before them... maybe they will probably be guilty of treason one day or the other so we'll just declare them guilty right away.

You're a progressive so you can't possibly agree with that. But still, I see that it's not the satyr by itself that bothers you, but the fact that they are 1. Latin American, 2. journalists and 3. critical of the Venezuelan regime. Why is that so? Did the coup in 2002 magically transformed into suspects and potential saboteurs all Venezuelans who don't identify with the governing party? Only the journalists? Even the ones that had nothing to do with journalism 9 years ago?

It's also irrelevant to talk about Pinochet, Videla or Stroessner regimes when referring to Venezuela. In those days, Venezuela was, with Mexico, the safe haven in Latin America for political refugees. I know it from personal experience since I grew up in the 70's with Argentinian teachers and exiled Chilean friends of my mother around.
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