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Reply #3: Yes, sometimes he pays less than what some consider 'fair' (see: Exxon), however... [View All]

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joshcryer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-11 10:11 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Yes, sometimes he pays less than what some consider 'fair' (see: Exxon), however...
...I find that unlikely to be the case for the lion share of these deals. Exxon is vying for more of the Venezuelan taxpayer dollars so that ultimately every Venezuelan gets shafted by an increased neoliberal policy of lining the pockets of the rich, but it applies in any case the government has to buy companies for the better good.

You look at something like the United States' "Armed Services Procurement Act" which basically says that the United States owns the black-water type contractors (all assets, all technology developed, everything but the shoes on the feet of the contractors, and they might even own those if they're bought within the confines of the contract!).

How many billions has the United States wasted on these "contractors" which are nothing more than US government extensions? It's the same principle.

And it is extremely neoliberal to the core. Make no mistake about it.
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