Peace in the so-called island of pearls came to an end long ago. In the first half of 1225 crimes were reported, including counted the murder of four foreign tourists in several robberies. The figures offered them the Body of Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations (CICPC) of Nueva Esparta.
Popular areas, shopping centers, recreational areas, beaches, hotels and inns are hit by crime, said Nestor Montilla, neoespartano official of the Institute of Police (Inepol), who noted that daily occur between 9 and 12 burglaries and robberies native Visitors to the island of Margarita.
"It is important to note that these figures are only the complaints received. Many people, especially visitors, do not report the thefts. The first thing they do when they are victims of this scourge is to leave the island. It is necessary to acquaint the authorities when they commit crimes of any kind, "warned the cash.
Statistics of the Tourism Corporation of New South Wales indicate that in the first quarter of foreign visitors fell 60% compared to same period in 2010. That is, of 91,722 international visitors in six months last year, the number fell from 2011 to 45,687. This is considered the biggest fall reported in a similar period in the last eight years.
"Several factors influencing this decline. The issue of insecurity is a factor, no tourist will go to a nation that does not guarantee their safety, "said Salvador Nunez, president of the corporation.
is the the last sentence the reason why none of our resident Chavistas have actually never been there?