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"Venezuela’s Chávez Condemns NATO “Massacre” in Tripoli, Warns of Opposition Destabilisation Plans" [View All]

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-24-11 03:23 PM
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"Venezuela’s Chávez Condemns NATO “Massacre” in Tripoli, Warns of Opposition Destabilisation Plans"
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Venezuela’s Chávez Condemns NATO “Massacre” in Tripoli, Warns of Opposition Destabilisation Plans

Coro, August 22nd 2011 ( - This Sunday, Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez reiterated his condemnation of NATO’s bombing of Libya, amidst international media reports that the Libyan rebels were advancing on the city of Tripoli.

During a press conference, Chávez, who had recently returned from chemotherapy treatment in Cuba, described the actions of the U.S. and certain European governments as a “massacre” and repeated his call for peace for the people of the world.

“The democratic European governments, not all of them, but we know which ones, are practically demolishing Tripoli with their bombs; the supposedly Democrat and democratic U.S. government as well, because they feel like it, simply because they feel like it,” said the Venezuelan president.

Chávez has continuously denounced the NATO-backed intervention in Libya since it began in March, and maintains that the U.S., France, and Great Britain are involved for cynical and strategic reasons, as well as to take advantage of Libya’s oil and extensive gold reserves.

“Today they dropped I don’t know how many bombs, and they are falling in a totally shameless and open way, they no longer even bother to explain anything, falling on schools, hospitals, homes, places of work, factories, agricultural farms, right now at this very moment” continued the president.



Chavez and a socialist party leader in the National Assembly also warned "that members of the opposition political forces were trying to unleash violence in Venezuela."


"Santos Amaral, PSUV representative, remarked that the opposition and their media were currently creating a political climate in Venezuela similar to that of the days preceding the April 2002 coup, during which democratically elected Chávez was temporarily ousted and more than 50 Venezuelans died at the hands of the interim government.

“'We (the PSUV) hope that nobody is wishing for, is asking for a Libyan solution to life in Venezuela, one that entails a military attack, that entails death' said PSUV representative Rodrigo Cabezas."


I, too, have been concerned, watching events in Libya, what we are looking is the unfolding of an overall strategy of the U.S. and its allies to grab easily conquered segments of the world's oil supply (i.e., not Iran), which means that Venezuela--which has the largest oil reserves on earth (twice Saudi Arabia's, according to the USGS), and located, as it is, in what U.S. corporations and war profiteers consider their "back yard"--could well be next on the Pentagon's Big Dartboard. They've certainly got things set up--with U.S. war assets arrayed around Venezuela's Caribbean oil coast and northern oil provinces, and with a long-running, intense demonization campaign against Hugo Chavez. And the U.S. is pouring tens of millions of dollars into rightwing groups in Venezuela, infamous for their coup plotting and their 2002 coup attempt, in which their first act was to suspend the Constitution, the courts, the National Assembly and all civil rights. Nasty players, the U.S. is deploying.

As for Iran, unlike Iraq, it has significant defenses, nuclear power allies and trade partners (China, Russia) as well a large, highly motivated, young population still inspired by the overthrow of the horrible, U.S.-installed "Shah of Iran." I think Rumsfeld was ousted precisely because the U.S. military brass knew how difficult a conquest Iran would be and opposed the Rumsfeld/Cheney plan to nuke it into submission at the risk of Armageddon in the Middle East and possibly the world. (The CIA was also furious at the outings of its agents and Bush Sr got involved with his "Iraq Study Group"--of which Obama's first CIA Director, Leon Panetta, was a member.) So how do U.S. oil corps get control of more oil (so they can overcharge for it, to our very thirsty war machine)?

Venezuela has minimal military expenditures, compared, say, to Brazil (and not even in a league with the U.S.), but it does have a highly motivated population, inspired by real democracy (honest elections, encouragement of public participation, etc.) and inspired by the Venezuelan peoples' peaceful defeat of the U.S.-supported coup in 2002--an extraordinary event that sparked a continent-wide leftist democracy revolution. Maybe our war planners are so used to people trapped in a fake democracy--our own--that they underestimate the power of real democracy to inspire and motivate ordinary people, and are only looking at hardware, when they evaluate the prospects of getting control of Venezuela's oil. It is fatal mistake (as Hitler found out). Another fatal mistake may be dependence on U.S. soldiers, driven into the military by poverty and kept their by "stop-loss" whose motivation to kill South Americans will likely be minimal, although they may hope to get around that with "drones" and other high-tech solutions, say, combined with arming/funding a rightwing insurrection allied with the Mob and its rightwing "Black Eagle" death squads and factions of the military in neighboring Colombia. (I'm not sure the current president of Colombia, Manuel Santos, would go along with this, but they may be intending to oust him and bring back Mob Boss Alvaro Uribe to yahoo an invasion of Venezuela.)

All that oil, right in their own "back yard." The Chavez government and the Venezuelan people have reason to be worried. With the NATO/U.S. overthrow of the legitimate, recognized government of Libya--a government that had not aggressed against any country--it appears that international law and world peace are over. Of course they were teetering anyway, with the Bush Junta invasion of Iraq and slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent people and creation of torture dungeons around the world. But now the Democrats and Europe have officially joined the War Party, with England had long gone over to it.
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