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Reply #5: Cross post from LBN. "Some history here". [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Places » Latin America Donate to DU
dipsydoodle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-11 04:27 AM
Response to Original message
5. Cross post from LBN. "Some history here".
Edited on Thu Aug-25-11 05:11 AM by dipsydoodle

In the early 1980s, death squads roamed the Guatemalan countryside in a war against the unarmed indigenous population that went largely unreported in the international media. Filmmakers Pamela Yates and Newton Thomas Sigel threw themselves into the task of bringing the crisis to the world’s attention by making a documentary that took them into remote areas of the country where civilian massacres were taking place. Central to their story is Rigoberta Menchú, a Maya indigenous woman who was spurred into radical action by the murders of her father and two brothers. No less admirable, however, is the courage of the filmmakers. When the Mountains Tremble, which was originally released in 1983, has been digitally re-mastered and updated since Menchú was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

Do please find some time to watch. I can only find the subtitled version :

Guatemala Cuando Las Montañas Tiemblan 1

Thereafter just change 1 to 2 etc.

Also see reply #2 here for how the US when helped commence nearly 50 years of tragedy in Guatemala for the benefit of the United Fruit Company and the self interests of both of the Dulles Brothers : Head of the CIA and Sec of State.

I know I've posted links to "When The Mountains Tremble" before but I'm blowed if I can find them now. I bought the DVD earlier this year after a dear friend gave me links to the Youtube stuff.
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