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Reply #14: Thanks, EFerrari! I'm going through 2008 with a fine toothcomb [View All]

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-11 01:39 AM
Response to Original message
14. Thanks, EFerrari! I'm going through 2008 with a fine toothcomb
writing up some comments as I go, and have only made it to the end of February (days before the US/Colombia bombing/raid on Eduador). I'll publish a commentary on 2008 here in the LatAm forum I hope sometime this weekend.

It's true, as judi Lynn says, above, that they were out to demean and topple Morales, and are allied with the white separatists, at least from the beginning of 2008, but I have to say that it's gratifying to watch their twisted minds, from early in that year, as they paint the "Chilean" scenario that they are trying to make come true, knowing that they fail. My comments will fill in the momentous events that unfold as these cables are written and sent, that will change South America forever--from the South American leaders' reaction to the US/Colombia bombing/raid on Ecuador, on 3/1/08, to the creation of UNASUR, in the summer, to election of yet another Leftist government (in Paraguay) and the failure of the Bushwhacks to get any traction with the "Islamic terrorists" in Bolivia (in the the tri-border area) propaganda, to the unity of South America in defense of Morales. US Amb Goldberg in Bolivia (whom Morales throws out of Bolivia, along with the DEA, in the Fall) and US Amb Wayne in Argentina, in the early 2008 cables (Jan-Feb), are clearly trying to find "divide and conquer" weaknesses, for instance, in a spat between Argentina and Brazil on Bolivia's gas (early in the year) and are almost funny in their objections to Morales' good government policies that will impact the profits of their buds at Pfizer Pharmaceutical or Monsanto. But, of course, this wouldn't be a bit jocular if they had succeeded in their bloody plans.

Again, thanks for the heads up!
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