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Chilean judge probing death under Pinochet of Gen. Alberto Bachelet, future president’s father [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-11 02:39 PM
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Chilean judge probing death under Pinochet of Gen. Alberto Bachelet, future president’s father
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Chilean judge probing death under Pinochet of Gen. Alberto Bachelet, future president’s father
By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, August 25, 1:42 PM

SANTIAGO, Chile — The same judge probing the death of deposed Chilean President Salvador Allende will now investigate the death of Allende’s loyal general Alberto Bachelet, whose daughter eventually became Chile’s first female president.

The father of Michelle Bachelet died in prison in 1974 after dictator Augusto Pinochet’s junta convicted him of being a traitor.

He had been tortured by members of the same air force he had led before Pinochet deposed Allende the year before. His wife and daughter also were briefly tortured before going into exile.

Judge Mario Carroza told Chile’s Radio Cooperativa that he has accepted a human rights group’s complaint that Bachelet was tortured to death.


President Michelle Bachelet's parents, brother, and with father, and on Inauguration Day.

(Story published after former President Michelle Bachelet was elected)
Revenge of the prisoner’s daughter
Chile’s new female president has topped a remarkable life, says marisol grandon

Last night's dramatic victory by Michelle Bachelet in the Chilean presidential elections has its origins in a grim day in 1973 when Chilean air force General Alberto Bachelet was frogmarched from the seat of government in Santiago under charges of treason. It was September 11, the day General Augusto Pinochet overthrew the democratically-elected government of Salvador Allende to begin 16 years of dictatorship. Thousands were killed or disappeared.

Bachelet was a prime target. His crime was to co-operate with Allende in a programme to distribute food around Chile by air - a quasi-
Communist act which enraged the Chilean aristocracy. After six months of daily torture, General Bachelet died of a heart attack in his prison cell in 1974. Michelle Bachelet was the daughter he left behind - a medical student and political activist then aged 23.

Later that same year, two agents from DINA - Pinochet's secret police force - beat down Michelle's apartment door to arrest her and her mother, Angela, while they were eating lunch. Blindfolded, they were taken to Villa Grimaldi, the notorious detention centre used by the regime, where they too were interrogated, beaten and tortured. They were eventually forced into exile in Australia. From there they went to Germany, where Michelle picked up her medical studies in Berlin.

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